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Small steps

New instructor today. She moved us around in a variety of poses with all types of tools: tennis ball, strap, bolster, blocks and the wall. I felt all over the place and it wasn't something I had really planned for, but I know that each instructor is different. 

We sometimes don't understand the process or the journey of the situation. I didn't today. But I pushed forward with the movement of class. 

At one point we transition into crow pose, feet on blocks, hands pressed firmly on the mat, breath into the lungs, shifting forward, eyes ahead my tip toes the only thing left on the ground barely balancing me as I shift forward lifting my toes up and for just a second floating on just my hands. A pose three days ago I could not at all master or barely even shift into I now had completed. 

The shock of the time it took surprised me for just a moment because it was such a quick accomplishment. And I realized that there isn't any time table that exists. In anything. You are the deciding factor for the time it will require to achieve not only a pose in yoga but in the major endeavors of your life. Lean forward and take the risk. 

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