ups and downs
The summer is not the time to be sick, but my body doesn't seem to care. I had planned on attending 6 o'clock Hatha to rev my muscles up and continue stretching out that huge knot in my lower back when I suddenly did not feel like making the drive. I knew class would be amazing, yet I couldn't convince my body to go.
Instead, with the motivation of my sweet writer boyfriend, I started outlining the characters of my next novel. It took me a while to muster up the courage to share my novel idea seeing as I have never told anyone it. His support astounds me.
After a good character list as a starting point, I laid on the ribbed blue mat and worked through a nice routine with a favorite youtubber. Unfortunately for the past two weeks I just haven't felt up to my normal yoga routine. I miss Vinyasa. And I have wanted to try paddle board forever. My body just won't have it.
Part of yoga is learning your body. When your body speaks to you, we must listen. There is nothing impressive about pushing yourself too hard in any area of life. I don't know when you are able to mature into this knowledge, but it's life changing. The ability to control your energy tank provides the opportunity for you to avoid ever hitting empty.