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The concept that multiple actions are required to move in a specific pattern with each other in order to maintain the completion of an overall goal is applicable in many areas of our lives. As if our existence depends on the individual actions we make. Each action can serve its own purpose reaching for a goal of its own, but is necessary to further the overall existence of a person as a complete being.

Therefore, when one action is not taken there is a break in the cycle causing others to be thrown off course.

For example, the knot in my right shoulder blade that has been annoying me for several days is a disruption to my routine actions. It is throwing off my physical being creating a lack of desire to attend yoga because it is so sore and causes an overall feeling of "argh"-ness (not a technical term). BUT, I know in my mind that yoga is actually the most perfect solution to my knot problem even though my body wants to curl up in a tiny ball and just lay down and hope for it to magically disappear.

I of course attended a yoga class this evening. I love them. Sometimes my body wants me to not go, but that's only because of the distraction. See, if I allowed that distraction to keep my from attending Hatha with the sunflower teacher, then my cycle would have a break. This would be a break that would carry over into the other areas of my life.

I was discussing the resources I use to cope with my anxiety this morning with my boyfriend: low dosages of meds, Plexus, and yoga: mental, physical, and spiritual/physical/energy. I haven't always had these resources as my disposal. It took my whole life to really recognize my need for them, to confront the insecurities of having the need, to address the possible solutions, and to work through trial and error with ideas until I found my perfect mix. It is not a final product, but an ongoing process.

Driving to class this evening, darkness overtook the skies and a storm rolled on top of downtown Fort Worth. I love rain. We began class and the thunder and pounding pattern of rain drops joined us. It was beautiful. When class ended, the rain had lightened up to a sprinkle of heavy drops. I walked out on the back porch of the studio and inhaled deeply the purified scent of the fresh water. Others scurried to their vehicles frantic to get out from under the droplets. Not me, I moved organically to my car feeling each drop land and absorb into my skin.

The water cycle is dependent on each section working for its overall existence to manifest. I believe we are all wired differently, yet all depend on the ability to identify and master a cycle of our own. We cannot do this alone. Certain emotions, distractions, and disruptions in our life have the capability to break your cycle. That is the extent of their power though. Nothing in life can break you. It is when you discover your strength to seek your way back to the cycle that is your pathway through life that you discover the limitless of your power to combat anything that comes your way.

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