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The whole week has kind of been an "off" week with disruptive and unexpected hurdles popping up. One of which I had to deal with today. After resolving the issue, I returned home.

I couldn't motivate myself to actually drive to the studio. I don't know if it was the frustration of that specific hurdle as it tied to emotions, or the heat, or my still annoyingly aching back, but I did not want to go anywhere. So I didn't.

I used the lack of mobility to work through tasks from the recliner. I navigated in and out of my various projects, or as my boyfriend calls it "toggling". I was not trying to hit a deadline, yet I was working with purpose.

Much of my work for my beauty biz has been centered on observing the successful ladies in the company. I study their approach, their style, their patterns, their trainings and I am beginning to apply it all into my business. The company is direct sales centered, and there are many ways to be successful within it; however, ultimately you must develop and grow as a person for your business to truly grow in an authentic manner so that its success is not temporary.

The phrase "you are the people you surround yourself with" is a concept I feel more and more empowered by every day. There have been times in my life where I have isolated myself from others because I felt misunderstood, where I have been betrayed and chosen to not resolve the issue, where I have avoided the very things that I knew were/are healthy for my spirit.

To be independent is an admirable quality. But to be it to the point of exile is nothing to be proud of. Quite the opposite.

The community and openness that yoga has provided me through these almost 80 days is almost impossible to convey. Heart opening poses at the beginning were uncomfortable and I was more aware of the vulnerable positions we would shift into throughout class - not that my awareness of the pose would stop me, but in retrospect I now realize it stunted my mental openness which in turn did limit my physical ability to open up.

Tonight's late night sesh with Adriene on YouTube focused on the word "unhurried". And the bedtime routine was a longer than her other routines, 36 minutes, which is not nearly as long as a regular class at the studio; however, when you are practicing at home alone there is always the temptation to cut a session short because who will ever know.

And then she said "unhurried", like she was speaking directly to me. So I inhaled and I exhaled, and I let her slowly lead me through the full routine focusing on my breath instead of what I was going to do AFTER the video finished. We do that. Always wanting to think about what's next.

It is necessary to slow things down occasionally, work at the pace that comes to you, flow through the activity or task and allow your body, mind, and spirit to work simultaneously.

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