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development of voice

It is surprising to me how many people automatically assume that just because I am a teacher and love summer, I must dislike or get annoyed with my students. Now, I am not trying to act like they are perfect angels or anything, and sometimes they can be real extra, but I take my job as their educator and mentor very seriously and hold it close to my heart. Summer time is beginning to wind down, back-to-school supplies are up in shops, and the talk of who has what teacher is hanging in the air. I love summer, don't get me wrong. But strictly season speaking - I loooovveee fall. And tonight I was reminded just how much I do miss my kids.

A young lady called me late this evening, a former student, and she had been struggling some this summer. We had texted, tried to meet up, but failed. So when she FaceTimed me I was thrilled to see her mood had shifted and we discussed the upcoming year as well as a recent tragedy within the community. It was a fluid and genuine conversation, and it took me back to all the kids who pop in and out of my room during passing periods, lunch, sometimes even class to just wave and say hi, tell me a quick story, or just honestly be in my room. It's a haven, a calm environment even when loud, and it's a location where there is no judgement, no adult vs. kid, just people teaching and guiding and discussing with other people.

Honestly, that has been the most surprising thing to me during this journey. Yoga is a place just like my classroom. It is a place where the learning is encouraged through the struggle because that means that you are increasing your stability, your strength, your confidence. And when you fall, it's celebrated because you tried something you haven't mastered yet. Which is the only way to grow. Both in yoga, in my classroom, and in life.

Teaching young people to find their voice, to seek others who are different from themselves in order to grow, and to challenge injustice is my passion. However, I cannot be so engrossed in the teaching of these vital life lessons that I myself do not participate.

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